
The London trip

©British Library Board
This week we had a great opportunity to go to the British Library in London. It was a comfortable trip on the bus and the group seemed to be excited to see the sights. The trip was planned so that we could see the original maps from 17th Century London. A few tours were planned for us to see the site, and I must say it was impressive. The maps were simply amazing, to think that someone engraved everything into a copper plate is mind boggling.
©British Library Board
The group as a whole found them very useful; they helped us to see (from so many different perspectives) the tiny details you couldn't find online. We noticed that the houses on the edge of the Thames had steps that lead into the water instead of wooden walkways like we thought it would have. The maps also had the main landmarks written next to them so we could see what would be in view from our site. Shockingly enough, one of the largest maps had illustrations of statues that would have been scattered throughout London which solved our “should we have a fountain or should we have a statue” dilemma.
©British Library Board
The group loved the maps, in a way we feel in love with them purely for how eye opening they were. It has helped us to realise and finalise our ideas so that we can bring really bring them to life.
©British Library Board
On top of the map view, we got a tour of the site, a talk with the business section about how we could get advice if we ever wanted to set or our own business and a history lesson about the site and all the books they carried. It was all very interesting and worth the day out, soon we have the presentation of our ideas to the tutors and the rest of the class. With how quickly the team is churning out concepts we are all very confident to have a strong presentation for the 19th.


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