
Meeting 3 21/02/13

After the presentation it took a lot of discussion and hunting on the maps to find an area to base our idea on. We wanted something that was bright, open and lively with a contrast of being dirty, disgusting and cramped.
After looking into a place 3 Cranes and Queen Blythe it seemed to have what we wanted originally  It had a few places for market stalls and stores, and it had the opportunity to have a lot of cramped alleyways to have a dirty contrast against the more pretty lively areas.
After deciding and looking into this area a lot closer, we found out what some of the areas were called and then started to build upon the map to create a concise and as close to being historically accurate as we can.
Then as a group, we took a white box that i had made, and created our own slightly edited versions of that area and placed it into Cryengine with water and light.
It doesn't look so pretty right now, but this shows where the payer can walk and explore, the red is where they can go, and the blue is where we will be stopping them from getting lost in large groups of houses.
We have already started planning out deadlines and setting tasks and goals for the group and will be updating on that asap. We are all excited to get started and hope that you will start being able to see some real progress quickly and efficiently.


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