
Anna talks about presentations and stuff.

In an effort to keep this blog regularly updated I shall fill in with how things have been going recently.  It may or may not contain slightly edited copypasta from my blog since I'm lazy.

It's been a busy week – as team leader I've been trying to act like I know what I'm doing as well as organising everyone, assigning work for each person to do and putting it all together.  I'm slightly concerned I'm going to burn myself out with the combination of visual design, doing leaderly things and modelling/concept work for the project, but with the power of coffee I'm sure I'll pull through.  I had to give myself some time just to relax last night (as well as do my food shopping and laundry) just because after being super cool and making the presentation as well as writing out little prompt cards for everyone, I just didn't have the energy to do anything else.

However, I'm proud of what we've achieved so far.  Although during our feedback we were told we had focused on the little details too early, I'm glad we did them since they're still important and relevant to populating the area.  Of course, although we put a lot of research into our layout there had to be some imagineering due to the huge lack of reference available from that era but this unfortunately led to being told we had to redo it since it had to be more historically accurate.  Thankfully Shay found somewhere for our project to go that meant we didn't have to sacrifice many of our initial ideas.

It's a setback, but it's not the end of the world.  I know we can pull something really sweet off, and we've all got a pretty clear idea of what we want now, both in layout and in assets.  Tomorrow we've got our first group meeting with Mike, as well as another one in the afternoon to start assigning asset work.  Onwards and upwards, eh?

A few picks of awesome stuff people have done this week -

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